Download teams chat logs
Download teams chat logs

download teams chat logs

The default P2P connection range when using a TURN server is 49152-65535 (usually configurable on the TURN side) so clients should be able to send data to that port range to the TURN server. It's all saved from the first message you sent by default and your admin can perform a Content Search to get it: In Content Search create a new search of your mailbox>choose Preview search results after the search completes> your personal chats will show as IM in subject & type> choose Download Original Item to export them as. With Chatlog Viewer you can view the Chat history on any Server, Channel or Private Conversation, without needing to connect to any Server. The default handshake/negotiation port used by most TURN servers is 3478 (incoming, UDP), but a different port can be used as long as it is properly set up> on the Team side the port is specified when adding the TURN server and the clients clients will be instructed to connect through it. Dont worry any longer with this Plugin its all there - any time - without the need to wait for the Person who send it. The actual P2P connection is established between the clients on a random unreserved port between 5 based on the client configuration and network. When no TURN server is set up, a default STUN server is used so clients should be able to send outbound traffic to ports 19305/19307. Team will work through firewalls and NATs as long as the peers can communicate each with the other - either directly or through a TURN server (which together with proper network rules is usually the solution to any WebRTC connection problem).

Download teams chat logs